TM2IN  0.5.1


TM2IN generates appropriate Solid geometry for Indoor Map from Triangle Mesh data such as TVR, COLLADA, 3DS.


Geometric Indoor Features

Geometric Indoor Features

All geometric features in TM2IN are TM2IN::IndoorComponent.

Each TM2IN::IndoorComponent objects have TM2IN::MinimumBoundingBox.

Basic geometric features are TM2IN::Vertex and TM2IN::HalfEdge.

A list of HalfEdge constructs TM2IN::Wall.

A set of TM2IN::Wall constructs TM2IN::RoomBoundary.

A TM2IN::RoomBoundary constructs TM2IN::Room.


There are several sets of functions separated by user level.

Just for users who wants to use converter, see Converter.

Functions for light users are posted in Public API

Implementation details are posted in Details


Now released version of TM2IN.cpp and Converter.cpp is 1.0.0